There is something embarrassing about someone else's grief. It is hard to know what to do around it. The right answer, always, is hugs.

Adam Gidwitz
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  2. Without you in my arms, I feel an emptiness in my soul. I find myself searching the crowds for your face - I know it's an impossibility, but I cannot help myself. - Nicholas Sparks

  3. So it’s true, when all is said and done, grief is the price we pay for love. - E.a. Bucchianeri

  4. But when I do feel all the strength go out of me, and I fall to my knees beside the table and I think I cry, then, or at least I want to, and everything inside me screams for just one more kiss, one more... - Veronica Roth

  5. I went to a tattoo parlor and had YES written onto the palm of my left hand, and NO onto my right palm, what can I say, it hasn't made my life wonderful, its made life possible, when I rub my hands against each other... - Jonathan Safran Foer

More Quotes By Adam Gidwitz
  1. You see, to find the brightest wisdom one must pass through the darkest zones. And through the darkest zones there can be no guide. No guide, that is, but courage

  2. Once upon a time, fairy tales were AWESOME!

  3. And I read something else, " Jacob goes on. "There was this discussion of the story of Cain and Abel, from the Bible. After Cain kills his brother, God says, 'The bloods of your brother call out to me.' Not blood. Bloods. <span style="margin:15px; display:block"></span>Weird,...

  4. How could he hate the Jews and yet feel sick when they were attacked? Louis hated peasants, too, apparently, and yet he had no problem sitting beside Jeanne - hoisting her in the air and dancing even. Jacob tried to turn this over in his...

  5. Whether you go your separate ways or stay together, you will continue to witness--against ignorance, against cruelty, and on behalf of all that is beautiful about this strange and crooked world.

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